domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

Born This Way: Lady Gaga divulga letra completa

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, que deixou os fãs com um gostinho de quero mais após divulgar um trecho de Born This Way, agora disponibilizou a letra completa de sua nova música. 

A canção foi escrita pela cantora e fala sobre tolerância e sobre a importância das pessoas se aceitarem como são. Para explicar o novo trabalho, Gaga falou: Eu sou bonita da forma que sou, porque Deus não comete erros. Estou no caminho certo, eu nasci assim.

Born This Way será o primeiro single do novo álbum da cantora, que terá o mesmo nome. Gaga cantará publicamente a música pela primeira vez no Grammy, no dia 13 de fevereiro e, claro, promete polemizar, como já fez ao divulgar a foto do disco na qual aparece de costas e como bumbum de fora.

Confira a letra completa!

It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M

Just put your paws up 'cause you were Born This Way, Baby

My Mama told me when I was young

We are all born superstars 

She rolled my hair and put my lipstick onin the glass of her boudoir 

"Ther's nothin wrong with lovin who you are", she said

"Cause he made you perfect, babe"

"So hold your head up girl and you'll go far, listen to me when I say"

I'm beautiful in my way

Cause God makes no mistakes

I'm on the right track baby

I was born thie way 

Don't hide yourself in regret

Just love yourself and you're ser

I'm on the right track baby

I was born this way 

OOO Ther ain't no other way

Baby I was born this way

Baby I was born this way

OOO Ther ain't no other way

Baby I was born

I'm on the right track baby

I was born this way

Don't be a drag. Just be a queen (3x)

Don't be! 

Give yourself prudence

And love your friends

Subway kid, rejoice your truth

In the religion of the insecure

I must be myself, respect my youth  

A different lover is not a sin

Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)

I love my life, I love this record and

Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith) 

Don't be a drag. Just be a queen.

Wheter you're broke or evergreen

You're black, white, beige, chola descent

You're lebanese, you're orient

Wheter life's disabilities

Left you outcast, bullied, or teased

Rejoice and love yourself today

Cause baby you were born this way 

No matter gay, straight, or bi,lesbian, transgendere

lifeI'm on the right track baby

I was born to survive

No matter black, white or beige

Chola or orient made

I'm on the right track baby

I was born to be brave 

I was born this way hey!

I was born this way hey!

I'm on the right track baby

I was born this way hey!

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